wgx731's Technical Blog

Programmer @ National University Of Singapore.

[NUS Orbital 2014] Mission Control #8 Environment Setup Guide

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This post is the guide for you to setup your machine for the NUS orbital 2014 mission control #8 tutorial, it’s better that you have finished your environment setup before coming to the mission control, because downloading the components may need quite some time and the network may not be very good during mission control session. Wish by after reading the post, you can setup your environment and be prepared for the tutorial. :D

Jackson & Export Problem

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I am working with Play! these days. So far I like the framework a lot, but I am not sure how is production performance for Play! yet. Anyway, this post is going to discuss about 2 issues I have encountered during my work.

Lesson of Growth Hacking

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I almost forget to blog about the lesson learned from BjornLee’s Talk on Monday, here are some key points which I feel like to point out:

  1. Good marketing strategy ≠ Cost a lot of money
  2. 5 Steps of Customer Life Cycle – Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue. I think the presentation gives an awesome guide on Acquisition and Activation part.
  3. Try fast, this is really something I need to practice, a lot of ideas just burst because I didn’t try fast.
  4. Getting user feedback is an art. I still remember about the part he mentioned about how he spent so much time on understanding housewife life so that he could get best user feedback.
  5. A whole room of technical people listening to a ‘biz’ guy talking about marketing is really fun.

In summary, even through I am not going to be the one talking to customer in the future, it’s still useful to know these tips. In the end, I will be the one building the product, if I don’t know how to get feedback from my user, I can’t imagine what will happen then. :P

Playing With HOOK

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What is git hook?

According to git documentation:

A feature that fire off custom scripts when certain important actions occur, including client side and server side.

Learning from master omer on Saturday’s workshop, we can use hook to do automated deployment, his approach is to create a separate bare repository in the hosting server and when push received trigger the script to do deployment. Whereas in my opinion, if you host your repository on github or Bitbucket, you can also use the POST hook service from them to do automatic deployment.